Light 2 Life Coaches Trained by Maia Berens

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stop And Smell The Roses

Every once in awhile I realize that my life is passing me by. The days on the calendar click by as I do my daily routine. Days turn into months and months are slowly turning into years. The daily tasks are checked off on my list only to wake up to a new list the next morning. I do enjoy checking those little boxes off my to-dos but is that what I want? Do I just want to be a box checker, going from one errand to another?

Slowly these thoughts have been winding their way into my spirit. Breaking up the hum drum of ritual thinking so that I see the cracks of light breakthrough. This light is what I want to focus in on. It is the light of now. The sparkle of the moment. The shine of the here and now.

I have been introduced to wonderful people whose wisdom has taken a piece of my soul and thrown it into the stars. The only word I can think of is enlightened. I now see how much better my world can be.

Now, when my life is passing me by I take some time to stop and walk through the grass. I hold my youngest and dance in the kitchen. I play in the sandbox with my oldest. I focus on the love of my husband. The earth grounds me, my children help me stay light, and my husband helps me soar.

I am still on my path. The to-dos are still there but now I have the want to be better, the tools to do it, and the support to keep me going. So I ask you to appreciate this moment right now.


  1. Beautiful post Adrienne. As a Mommy like you I can totally identify with life just zooming by! I have the same check list that I make and re-make each day. Yes, it is good to accomplish.....but even more so it is better to stop and kiss the kids. Just kick back and watch them play or sit and play with them. The balance a woman has to find when she is a wife and Mother is incredibly tedious~but so worth it. I can see the love you have for your boys in the picture above!

  2. I have no idea how someone can become so enlightened herself at such a young age. You give us all the knowledge - not just hope - that our world is being turned over to wondrous leadership.

    I'm so glad you are bringing those beautiful gifts to become a facilitator/coach of YOU University.

  3. Your writing is enlightening and inspirational. I too am practicing this wondrous experience of choosing to be in the now, and a little less in my head.
